Wildlife Garden

the BBC Breathing Places wildlife garden at Butchers Coppice was created in June 2008 in an abandoned corner of the site, which was transformed by the BBC’s SpringWatch Action Team (SWAT)

  • there is no charge for this activity

Butchers Coppice already attracted a variety of wildlife including Squirrels, Foxes, Badgers, Woodpeckers, Tree Creepers, Nuthatches and even the occasional Buzzard!

the makeover was driven by BBC Radio Solent in partnership with Bournemouth Scouts, the TCV and the RSPB as part of a UK-wide initiative under the BBC’s SpringWatch series – our wildlife garden was one of 50 projects to turn neglected spaces in to breathing places

we would like to thank everyone who helped to create the wildlife garden, particularly Roger Hammett’s team from BBC Radio Solent, Kirsty Davis and her team from the TCV, the RSPB, the late Elaine Oliver, Paul & Margaret Evans, Gary Branch, Jayne and family, Ben Atkins, the 34th and 8th Bournemouth Scouts and Leaders who helped on the two BBC-organised weekends, Kevin & Nicky Oliver, the Oaks Garden Centre, Ken and Stewarts Garden Centre in Holt, who donated most of the plants

there are four wildlife garden activities you can download:

British Birds

Creepy Crawlies

British Trees

Creatures and Critters

important points to note…

  • pre-booking is essential – BOOK NOW and we’ll make all the arrangements for you
  • the wildlife garden is not lit so activity sessions can only take place during daylight hours
  • you must provide at least one adult to supervise each activity group – you remain responsible for the supervision and pastoral care of your group at all times
  • you must complete your own risk assessment prior to taking part in this activity taking the age, experience and individual needs of your group in to consideration – copies of our risk assessments are available on request